The Highland Community Foundation looks ahead to the closing months of the year, after the completion of a successful first half of 2019.
This year has included many achievements to date. These include:
• The successful re-launch of the Foundation’s website following completion of several upgrades made by Pepperbrook Design, Inc., of Highland. The website includes several new features, including a blog and a Donor page.
• The HCF welcomed a new member, Elizabeth Steel, to its Board of Directors. Elizabeth is the co-owner of Smalltown Coffee Co., which developed a “Highland Roast” coffee blend in 2017, part of the proceeds of which the company has donated to the Foundation for their “Highland Has Art” grant program.
• HCF awarded the Down Syndrome Association of Northwest Indiana & Chicagoland a $400 Highland Has Art Grant, to assist in funding their first ever Art Fair in 2020.
• HCF was once again the recipient of an Environmental Action Grant from NIPSCO, which will be used in a second 100 tree distribution to Highland residents this Fall.
• The Foundation held another organizational meeting to set the stage for the launch of a Highland Arts Council this Fall.
• Highland Community Foundation was one of the first organizations to provide financial support for Highland Main Street’s “Grow Highland” Community Garden project.
• HCF finalized the purchase and donation to the town of the sculpture, by NW Indiana sculptor Randy Simko, located on the south side of Highway Avenue, west of Kennedy Avenue.
Finally, in addition to the grant from NIPSCO and the annual donation from Smalltown Coffee, HCF is grateful for the generous support received this year from the Highland Woman’s Club.
We are looking forward to an exciting productive second half of 2019! Visit our website frequently to see what we are up to!
HCF’s support of Down Syndrome Association of Northwest Indiana & Chicagoland is just one of their 2019 accomplishments to date.